Category Archives: Social

Living from the outside in

I seem to live my life from the outside in. Is that weird for an introvert to say? There are so many aspect of what I do that go the other way: my work and ideas and beliefs seem to come from an inner source. But living works differently. Being in the world is something I find myself doing– Heidegger would say, I’m thrown into it.

When it comes to what I want to do in the world, I begin at the furthest point: the distant future, the world as a whole, science and necessity. Here I apply my values and my ideas and my work, to come closer in. I want to help build an biocentric future, so I read and develop skills. But when it comes to applying those skills, I work on what’s at hand. I organize everything my time around doing things– digging into technical issues and finding problems that need solving. In that, I work with people, constantly. I don’t choose those people, but I do love them. They’re the people at hand. I organize projects with them, and get inspired by them, and attend endless meetings for them.

All of which, as an introvert, can seem like a huge waste of time. I find my time hemmed in by meetings, sapped by emails, dispersed to coordination.

I was chatting with a friend– let’s call her Polecat– about people who do everything with other people. I didn’t realize she was talking partly about me. It’s another way of living one’s live from the outside in: as a character said in Waking Life, “The advantage to meeting others in the meantime is that one of them may present you to yourself.”

Fort Flagler Eleusinian Mysteries

I’ve been getting very interested in the Eleusinian Mysteries, collecting materials, trying to stumble across hints that would let me pierce the secrecy around them. But the most curious thing I’ve found is an recreation of them… at the tiny Washington State park (Fort Flagler) that Bethany lives next to. Tongue in cheek, these are from the 2012 event notice:

– Parade to the sea to prepare yourself for the journey
– Rejoice at the wedding feast of Persephone and Hades
– Walk the ancient paths between the worlds… …emerge forever changed!

CABINET OF CURIOSITES | aquarian tabernacle church’s spring mysteries festival

Siderea’s Recipe for Blogging

It's seems like I look for this post of siderea's about once a year, and I always wish more people would link to it.  So here it is, [soc/anthro] The Recipe, Or What you don’t know about LJ/DW:

There’s a recipe. It’s a recipe for maximally useful-for-engendering-virtual-community-LJ/DW-style. I’m not sure I have it exactly down yet — this is the alpha version — but I’m pretty sure that, contrary to a lot of LJ/DW users think, it goes something like this:

Recommended Minimum Weekly Posts by Type:
0.5 diary entry
3 pointers
0.5 bleg
0.25 op ed